The half-term governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has a problem.
She's flying around the country—she was in Tulsa this week—reciting platitudes and anointing Tea Party winners (in Delaware on Tuesday) while her own numbers continue to fall.
The latest NY Times/CBS News poll shows that Palin's own popularity is down 9 percentage points since April.
Even her endorsements don't cut much weight among the general electorate, according to the poll. "Only one in 10 [of those polled] said her support would make them more likely to support a candidate," the Times reported.
But there's some good news for Palin in the numbers as well. Turns out, that Fox News viewers like Palin a lot. Big surprise here—not!
Hmmm. Appears as if those people who want news they can agree with—as opposed to, say, actual facts and hard realities—really, really like a former politician who can wink and spout niceties at the same time.
You're kidding me. "Popuality?"
Betcha Sarah Palin could spell her titles right...
Some of her titles: "Miss Popuality", "Miss Congenitality" and last but not least, "Miss Information"
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