Today's good news: W's failings finally sink in.
The headlines this morning are clear: The public's disapproval of the President's handling of the Iraq war has reached a new high—71 percent.
It's about time. The Iraq Study Group this week laid bare the Administration's lies, distortions, cover-ups, and general incompetence in starting and executing the war.
This kind of news restores our confidence in the American public. Bush couldn't fool all the people all the time, and his reputation is (deservedly) in tatters. Even in Republican Tulsa, we suspect the Bush star has tarnished.
Sadly, our fighting men and women have had to pay the price for W's mistakes.
Which are you more thrilled with?
President Bush's failure, or that the war going badly? What type of person revels in their country's failures for the sake of justifying a particular political view?
Let's work on the solution.
To answer your question directly: A patriot and veteran, one who served in a time of war (luckily, not in combat). In any case, we're not thrilled that the war is going badly or that Bush stumbled into a Middle Eastern mess with no easy solutions in sight. What we are concerned with is the President's hubris over the decision to invade when (1) there were no WMDs, (2) there was no link between Sadaam and the 9/11 terrorists, and (3) there was no realistic plan for putting Iraq back together after the war or getting the troops out after our quick victory on the battlefield. We think this list of mistakes should be recognized and attched to those who made the decisions: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.
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