Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthermania Lives! Thanks to WorldNetDaily's Conpiracy Theory, Airman Flakes Out

You just can't stamp out a good (read: nutty) conspiracy theory.

For the True Believers, no amount of evidence or facts is ever enough. They are always right, of course, and all the other conspirators and their so-called evidence are always wrong.

Thus we have the sad spectacle of an Air Force staff sergeant buying the "birther" conspiracy that Barack Obama isn't really president because, you know, he was born in Kenya and is a Muslim and a Marxist and all that. Same ole, same ole.

How does he know? Why it was on the Internet, of course, always a totally reliable source of The Truth. Oh, and there's WorldNetDaily, home of a number of whacked out conspiracy theories, including "birtherism."

The link, with the sergeant's video, is here.


Man of the West said...

...the Internet, of course, always a totally reliable source of The Truth.

Uttered in apparent obliviousness to the irony of saying it on the internet...

Mr. Burns said...

Wow, you are so perspicacious, Man. Kudos.